Exhibition 2024
Mount Temple Comprehensive School.
Malahide Road, Malahide Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3, D03 DX79
(Where U2 went to school)
This page will be continuously updated as more layouts & trads are confirmed.
October 26,27,28th 2024 (Saturday, Sunday, Monday)
Opening Times:
11:00 to 17:00 each day
Admission price (pay at the door) - No Advance Tickets Necessary
Adult €8.00
Children €4.00
Family €20.00
Card/Tap payments accepted at the door
Venue - Mount Temple Comprehensive School.
Malahide Road, Malahide Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3, D03 DX79
Sponsored by - Irish Railway Models / Accurascale
Updated 1st October 2024 - This list is subject to change without notice
Layouts/Exhibits Attending:
MRSI - Dundalk Works
MRSI - Cheateau Anton
South Dublin MRC - Dun Laoghaire
Wexford MRC - Little Siddington
John Keenan/Nigel O’Connors Buses
Irish Plastic Modellers Society
Mid West Model Railway Club
Aaron Murray - Thomas the Tank
Brendan Buckley - Military Layouts Display
Charlie Glaholm
The Drain - Robert Chester
Downpatrick and Co Down Railway
Model Engineers Marley Park
Bog Road - Eamonn Redmond
Carraigthomas - Wayne Thomas
Irish Steam Preservation Society CLG
Traders Attending:
Irish Railway Models | Accurascale
Des McGlynn
Brian Collins Enterprises / Martin O'Hanlon
Weir Park Books/Diecast
Provincial Wagons
Times Past / Drogheda Model Shop
David Bracken - Model Railways of Distinction
Model Buses - Adrian Jackson Lemon
Derek Farrelly/Jim Poots - Model Buses
MRSI Sales Stand
Top Choice Embroidery
G-Models Scenery
Enda Byrne 3D printing
Trade & Exhibits are subject to change without notice
The venu will have Car Parking and the wheelchair accessible
BUS From City Centre: Routes: 14, 15, 27, 27A, 27B, 42, 43Stop ID: 671 - Nazareth House, Malahide Road.
Route: 123Stop ID: 1491 - Griffith Avenue
BUS to City Centre:Stop ID: 666 - Mount Temple School
Train: Ironically there's No Train Service this weekend:Saturday 26th, Sunday 27th and Monday 28th October
Engineering works will take place between Dublin Connolly and Dundalk on Saturday 26th, Sunday 27th and Monday 28th October.
There will be NO train service between Dublin Connolly and Dundalk
DART service: there will be no DART service between Dublin Connolly and Malahide/Howth
DART services will operate between Dublin Connolly and Bray / Greystones only.
Dublin Bus will accept valid rail tickets for travel within affected DART area and City Centre.
Remember our club is open to all who are interested in model railways, whether it’s just running your model trainset for the first time or building a fine scale O gauge locomotive. Please drop by our club stand for a membership form and any info you might require about the club.
On behalf of the Model Railway Society of Ireland, I hope you will enjoy the show.